A New Life! Retirement at its Best 2020-59


The dog barked all night because she heard the owl. I had noticed a bloody feather in the border by the front door that day and thought that we had not heard the owl all year. But he was back. And I could not get Lani to be quiet for a long time, so we lost some sleep. Why do owls keep sounding their call if they are out to surprise a prey? I have wondered about that forever. If any of you know the answer, please leave it in the Comments below.

Then Mike got Shingles. He thought the pain in his side and back for the last week was due to exercises with the therapists, but the doctor made the diagnosis: You have Shingles. After we had been vaccinated in 2010, I thought we would not get shingles, but here it is. As one of our friends once said, One’s health is a fragile thing that can change in a moment’s time. 

So I am cutting this post very short. Medications, TLC, companionship, I am focused. I want to take care of my man, my buddy, my love.


Stay healthy!

Until next time


2 thoughts on “A New Life! Retirement at its Best 2020-59”

  1. Prayers that your hubby will recover soon, we had the shingles shots years ago as well, and hope his is a mild case. Take care.

    • Thank you so much for your caring words, May. If you had your shots years ago, perhaps you should get another set (of two). The vaccine is better these days, says our doctor. In fact, when Mike is better, we will have new shots to hold us over for another ten years or so. 😘


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