2018: The Year of The Dog
We had an interesting Saturday. We took a trip to Liberty, to the breeder that we have selected for our puppy. They have a large farm, where they breed not only poodles and goldendoodles, but horses as well. In the midst of forested nature we found a number of large barns and a couple of homes. The owner came to meet us and showed us two litters of miniature poodles that had just been born, behind curtains in bins in one of the barns. Lovely miniature poodle mothers came to the gate to greet us then hurried back to their litters, little pups of about 6″ long in various colors.
Then we went to indoor/outdoor cages where we were greeted by about twenty dogs of buff and black and brown and beige and copper colors in small, medium and large sizes. All overjoyed to greet visitors, and a joy to behold for us. We spotted the prospective parents of our puppy and fell in love with their size, looks and behavior. Further down a number of dogs were running around and playing in a large fenced dog run.
A couple arrived to pick up their eight week old puppy and we followed them into the house. A buff goldendoodle was cuddling in the arms of his new owner, who was very kind and let us take turns in holding him. All puppies are cute of course, but it was nice to see all this, because we have been without a dog now for almost a year, and we never had Isabelle as a puppy. It will be a totally new experience for us.
More Young Life expected
Last week, I walked around the pond as I love to do; the water level is higher now and the fountain is spouting high. I noticed one goose sitting about three feet above the water’s edge. Strange that she did not move. I went closer and called out to her but she still did not move. Then I noticed that twigs and straws jutted out from underneath her and I thought she must be sitting on a nest! Sure enough, she has not moved at all, feathers spread out in the back, head facing me as I stood still to watch her. That’s exciting! It takes about thirty days for goose eggs to hatch after they are laid, and if she laid them ten days ago we will have new goslings in about three weeks, which will be a week after Easter. How special! Then again, if she has been sitting there before I noticed her, the eggs could hatch right at Easter!
But then it started raining; a little at first, then a lot, then a whole night long, and the following morning the water level had risen to the very edge of where the goose was still sitting on her nest. I could not see if it was actually in the water or not, but the goose had not moved. Today, the sun has been out, the water has receded and the nest is at a safe distance from the water again at two feet. I will keep you posted. It is lovely to live in a densely populated area with freeways all around and yet to be able to enjoy nature in walks and flowers, birds, geese, deer and turtles. We have not been here in the spring; who knows what else we will experience.
In the main building, the Club, a lot of moving is going on. Sometimes we find that people we knew have moved to Assisted Living, sometimes we hear that someone has gone to the hospital. Most of them come back from the hospital to resume life in Independent Living, but a couple of people have died recently, and that is always a shock. We attended a lovely Memorial Service in the Garden Room downstairs; that is a practical place if you want Residents to attend. For most of those who don’t drive anymore, attending an outside Memorial in a church or cemetery is not possible, unless they can take a ride with someone. Today after breakfast I visited Emily who moved to Assisted Living recently. She and her husband were always at our breakfast table. She has been on oxygen and Hospice care for a long time, but her husband, still in good shape, moved with her. On my way to her apartment I passed familiar friends, greeted them by name, gave them a hug: “A hug a day keeps the doctor away.” They loved that. I had promised Emily I would give her a manicure for Easter. She had recently fallen and broken two fingers, but the tips were sticking out of the bandage, so we could go ahead. She selected a light coral color from my collection and chose a soft pink glitter as a second coat. We had a lovely time, talking story, sharing anecdotes, and the time flew by.
It was time for my book group meeting in Independent Living, and afterwards I needed to get my car inspected. We discovered that here in NC you can’t register your car for the next year until it has received a safety and emissions check. That’s every year! Pretty safe place to drive here! Once I had found the Inspection Station, which took 45 minutes, the inspection itself took only 10 minutes. I passed!
It’s a Wonderful Life!
Until Next Time!