Publication Date: August 04 2014
ISBN/EAN13: 150074641X / 9781500746414
Page Count: 110
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Survivors of WWII in the Pacific is a collection of eye-witness accounts of the barbaric way the Japanese treated their prisoners during WWII, men and women alike. Camp survivors describe gruesome details of cruel punishments, diseases and malnutrition, interspersed with hope and a sense of humor. Veterans of the U.S. Navy remember the bloody battles from Pearl Harbor to the bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Survivors all, they tell their stories in this book. Ronny Herman de Jong, a survivor herself of a Japanese prison camp, gathered and edited these stories for your edification. You may purchase the book today from or Smashwords.
It is also available at Apple and, as an ebook and in paperback.