A New Life: Great Expectations! 2023 – 21

Great News: No Surgery!

Last week, I had an appointment with the orthopedic surgeon. He showed me images of the results of the recent MRI of my knee, and explained the procedures of an arthroscopic surgery. That was much less invasive than I was mentally prepared for. It sounded so good, actually, that I almost said, ‘ok, let’s go for it.’ But then he gave me the choice: because I have no arthritis in my knee, 6 weeks of physical therapy would probably be sufficient to get me well again. So I chose for no surgery! It was such a relief that we went to Trader Joe’s to get flowers to celebrate.

A Treasured Family Visit

Ten wonderful days of family visits flew by. Our daughter with her two kids visited from Canada. They had rented an Air B&B and came over daily for games, cooking delicious treats and dinners, weeding the patio borders, taking Lani out for brief walks, shopping, visits to the neighborhood pool, and much more. I went with them to the pool, and sat on the steps, under water to my shoulders, moving my leg back and forth. Wonderfully cool! On Sunday, they flew back and landed safely back home.

Physical Therapy

I found a great therapist, four minutes from home and had my first session yesterday. He predicted I would be able to get rid of my walker soon. The blue walker I got on Amazon is great. Lightweight, with four wheels, a sturdy seat that covers a basket to carry things in, and easily foldable to put in the car. When I don’t need it anymore, I will store it in our big garage; because you never know if and when I will need it again :-).


After therapy yesterday, I needed to drop off an Amazon package at the UPS store nearby. When I got there, I decided it would be too much of a hassle to get the walker out or the car and put it back in for the short distance to the door, so I took the package in one hand, my cell phone with the QR code in the other, gingerly got out of the car and closed the door. Very slowly, step by step, I walked to the entrance of the UPS store. An employee in an UPS uniform put out her cigarette in a large planter and walked to the door from the other side. When she saw me, she asked if I had a return. She then took the package and my cell phone, opened the door for me, bypassed the line of other customers in the store, got around the counter, processed my return and handed me back my phone with a receipt. Then she walked around again and opened the door to let me out. I am still emotional when I think back to it, both because somebody went out of her way to help me when she saw my need, and because I had never needed help like that before.


Because I will continue to be very careful not to burden my left leg, and will sit down with my feet up as much as possible, I had time to read! I have read two books on my Kindle. The next one I will be reading is an actual paper copy of a book that was printed in 1929. It was a gift from an unknown giver, who left a sticky note with the words that he saw me once at Bucky’s Casino, hoped I had hit the jackpot, and that Angelina Jolie would produce a movie of my book. He signed with “a friend”. I have not read it yet, but it is on the table. The introduction is by Hendrik Willem van Loon, my father’s favorite author. The friend must be from Prescott, in his nineties, and must have known I studied at Leiden University. One of the first chapters is about Leiden University.

I have one friend that could have given me this precious book, who wrote two newspaper columns about me, and will ask him again if he did. He denied it earlier. As I am writing this I have another idea. Perhaps the giver is the daughter of a WWII veteran I met in Prescott: a book from her father’s library. Fess up friend! I want to thank you!

And that’s a wrap! Sooner than I expected!

Until next time,


A New Life: Great Expectations! 2023 – 20

From Baker’s Cyst to Torn Meniscus

When a cortisone shot did not alleviate my pain, I went to get an MRI last Saturday. It showed a complicated torn meniscus and more. The orthopedic surgeon who reviewed it, sent me on to another surgeon, who specializes in arthroscopic knee surgeries. I will meet with him on July 24, and discuss details. Maybe I will benefit from that, they said, and be able to walk again. Well, I’d better! I have about three weeks to plan what to do during at least the first ten days when I can’t stand or walk, just sit. I will need more help, that’s for sure. I will get tips from a friend who lives alone and had knee surgery two years ago.

This Thursday, our daughter and grandkids will arrive, and stay for a wonderful ten days! They said they would take me to the pool in the wheelchair! Well, hopefully, I will still be able to take the few steps from the parking lot to the pool with a walker, and then I can glide into the water and be weightless!

Message from the Chief District Court Judge

At least somebody has pity on me! I received the following email yesterday:

Due to your unique situation, you are hereby permanently excused from jury service. It will NOT be necessary for you to report for service now or in the future.

Ned W. Magnum,
Chief District Court Judge

Thank you Ned!

Where there is hope, there is life

About five years ago, we received a beautiful Anthurium. We kept it in the sunroom of our cottage, but after the first bloom, sadly, it never bloomed again. It was barely alive, but I believed here had to be a better future for this beautiful plant.

When we moved to Apex, last Fall, I put the anthurium in my office, where it gets the first morning sun through the window blinds for a few hours. And lo and behold, the first flower appeared, then the second and the third, and two more buds are sprouting out at the bottom. Beautiful, dark pink blossoms. Our anthurium is happy!

It shows that when you keep up hope, as long as there is enough sunshine in your life, you will bloom profusely again, as you were meant to do.

Blog posts are created on my desktop Mac

Pretty soon, I will have to sit with my feet above heart level, days on end! I am pretty flexible, but I know I can’t write stories upside down. Which means that there will be an undetermined hiatus in my published Blog Posts.

Wish me luck and a successful surgery in the near future.

Until soon,
