We finished our taxes!
This year I had help from Dennis. We used Turbo Tax, which Mike and I have used for many years, and got it done in two sessions.
In Waltonwood, we had Doctors Making Housecalls, which was nice, because we did not have to go anywhere for doctors visits, even some specialists, or lab tests. Here, we found a Mobile Vet who comes to the house for Lani. Last week, Lani was obviously not feeling well and the Vet and her assistant came to check her out. I needed a urine sample. How do you get a urine sample from a dog? You take her for a walk when you know her bladder is full, and when she sits down you slide a 3 x 6 plastic tray between her hind legs. Tray provided by the Vet. Voilà. Before continuing on our walk, I had to take her home, then hurry back to the tray with the urine. A lady walking ahead of me suddenly stopped and looked at the tray. I called to her Ma’am, that is a tray with urine of my dog. I will pick it up right away. She turned around, dumbfounded, Oh? She looked at me and back at the tray, then walked on. This is a small neighborhood where everybody knows each other. We have been here only three months, so I don’t know everybody yet. But I’m sure she will have a story to tell to her friends about the new lady down the street, who does not only collect the poop, but also the urine of her dog. Now that lady is an asset to the neighborhood!
The Vet decided Lani needed a sweater to wear when going on walks with me in 28 degrees weather. Especially right after grooming. I went to PetSmart right away this morning. Well, at first I could not find anything, even though online it had showed that the PetSmart store had a choice of sweaters and jackets. But then I saw a pile, some things on hangers, some just thrown in between. All the sizes I saw were XL. It was like a grab bag; finally, down in the back, I found a black puffer jacket in Medium. Wow, a real find. I took it up front: This has no hanger and no price tag. The cashier said, These are all on sale, I will tell you the price in a minute. She scanned the tag and said, One penny. I only had brought my credit card in my coat pocket, left my purse in the car. So I took out my credit card and we both laughed and she said, Here, take it, it’s free. That was a fantastic $20 windfall. It fits Lani perfectly and the lining is soft and warm.
Lab results
We’re waiting for the lab test result of last week’s biopsy on my arm and for that of Lani’s urine. So I am picking up every phone call, even though it says Unknown caller or toll free call, calls that come in every day in multiples, even though our number is on the Do not call list. Do you have that problem too? In those cases I usually wait to see if they leave a message.
This is a short post, but I am posting it as usual on Wednesday morning, hoping to get back in the routine of things.
Enjoy every day, love your neighbors.
Until next time ,