A Greenway!
To my great joy, I discovered a trail, which here in North Carolina they call a Greenway. It’s just like in Cary, a trail between trees and bushes with homes on either side in the distance. It’s shady most of the way. The first times, because I saw the entrance close to the lake, but did not know how long it would be, I drove down with Lani, parked the car and walked the trail. Like everywhere here in North Carolina, there is water to the left or the right, or crossing underneath a bridge. This trail crossed one road, and ended on a street close to home. I have finally walked again, made 10,000 steps a day again, and feel rejuvenated. Next time, I can for sure walk the trail from home and back. The first time, Lani and I were exhausted, but it is getting better as we are “gaining speed.”
Lab Tests
The happy feeling continued this week after a visit with my new Primary Cary Physician, who showed me that my high cholesterol had come down to negligible in only one month. How did I do it? I started reading labels and stopped eating Dutch cheese! It is one of the staples in our house, Gouda Cheese. Well, abstaining from cheese and chocolate is manageable as long as I do not have to take medication.
A Celebration on March 15
66 years together is worth a celebration and so we now have an Areca Palm next to our loveseat, and a pole with a bird feeder outside the sliding door to the patio. It takes a while to get birds to find it, but I’m sure that “build it and they will come” will count for birds as well as baseball players and animals to Noah’s Arc. If the birds don’t want to visit inside the patio, we will put the feeder just outside a window that is also visible from Mike’s recliner. Tomorrow, after my appointment in Cary, I will buy us some flowers.
A new Moai!
A new 1.6-metre Moai statue has been discovered partially buried in the bed of the dried Rano Raraku lake, in the crater of the Rano Raraku volcano, on Chile’s Easter Island.
About six years ago, archeologists discovered that the moai heads have hidden bodies. In order to carve and place the statues upright the Rapa Uni used large tree trunks that were placed into deep holes adjacent to the statues. They then used rope and the large tree trunk to lift the statue upright in place. The Rapa Nui carved the heads and front side of the statues while they were lying on the ground, then completed the backs after uprighting the stone statues. The tallest of thee statues comes in at 33 feet high and is known as Paro.While excavating the statues the team found etched petroglyphs on the backs of the figures, commonly crescent shaped to represent Polynesian canoes. The canoe motif is likely the symbol of the carver’s family, providing clues as to different familial or group structures on the island.
I am intrigued by the history of Rapa Nui, especially after we were there for a day while on a cruise from Valparaiso, Chile, to Tahiti via Robinson Crusoe Island and Pitcairn.
It’s Wednesday, and I’m posting again!
Life is worth living! Enjoy the daily blessings and
Take good care of all those you love
Until next time,