I’m well on my way. Now the waiting is for the statements from banks etc. which will come in on February 18.
With my past, living in the Dutch East Indies for seventeen years, in Hawai’i for twelve and in Arizona for fifteen, my skin has had a lot of sun exposure. In the early years, sunscreen did not exist, in the middle years I used sunscreen but still was in the sun a lot and happy with a tan, and now, in the later years, the effects show up in cancerous spots here and there. Over the years I have had a few surgeries, on my face and my arm, and now I spent the past weeks to make arrangements for some more, on my right leg. Squamous cell cancers, all. Yesterday I had the first two, and I am scheduled for two more on Thursday, and then one on March 10.
The surgeon was great, so was the nurse, and everything went well. I won’t go into details, but if every surgery goes as smoothly as these, I’ll be very happy.
May your days be peaceful and happy too,
Until next time