The Ice Hockey Team
Our son invited me at short notice last Sunday to join him to watch our sixteen year old grandson playing a game with the ice hockey team. It was my first game ever, and an eye-opener. The speed of those boys! The twists and turns, the hits with their sticks, the small size of that puck and the sound it made when hitting the wall and the glass! Amazing. I admired the inexhaustible agility of our grandson, the tallest one on the team, and was able to get a good two minute video of the game.
Dining in
When the Club menu was not to our liking this past week, we invited one couple from our neighboring cottages for wine and Papa Murphy’s pizza. It was wonderful to again have guests in our house, without masks, so we could eat and drink and have an interesting conversation. That was Friday night. On Saturday, we invited another couple, fairly new to Waltonwood and in a third floor apartment, to come over and share some Thai spring rolls, which were delivered to our door, part of the dinner we ordered from Thai Lotus. Meeting new people is wonderful, and another wonderful thing is that we can now dine with four people to a table in the dining room. We did that on Monday night, and will have another “date” tonight.
A New Executive Director!
He started on Monday, but we have not met him yet. He will be introduced to the membership at dinner time, I heard, but of course not everybody is there at the same time. We hope he is the right person for the job, and he will stay for longer than a year.
Hospital trips
Just in the past week, one of our cottage neighbors fell, and had to be taken to the hospital. He was home two days later. And our friend across the street fell on Monday night and hit her head badly. It took until Tuesday afternoon before she was out of the ER and into a room. The hospital is full with people who have had accidents; it’s better than people with Covid, but still, it is a place you don’t want to be.
The Academy Award Nominations
A different experience this year, postponed from February, but interesting to watch and hear about the award winning movies and actors. Did you notice that the Oscars were not handed over by someone, but were standing on the table? Even though only a few people wore a mask, they were very careful in social distancing. I especially liked China-born Chloe Zhao, who won Best Director/Producer of the winning movie Nomadland, the first time for a person of color to win that honor and only the second time it was a woman. What an accomplishment!
Summer is coming
The early morning temperatures are still in the forties, to quickly give way to the high seventies and sunny eighties, already too warm to walk in the middle of the day. But it’s light early and long, and I’ll gladly take summer as soon as it gets here!
It’s a Wonderful Life,
Until next time,