Gatsby Night: A Murder Mystery
Waltonwood was transformed into a thirties scene. The employees were dressed Gatsby style with glitter and fringed dresses, feathered headbands and long strings of pearls. An outside company had been hired to put up heavy black satin and gold sequined drapes at the entrance of the dining room, and another outside company organized the event. Five actors provided us with information about the setting and one of them was stabbed to death in the Café. Butler-served hors d’oeuvres were delicious and good wines were served from bottles instead of wine served from carton boxes which we get at Happy Hour on Friday afternoons. The event benefited the American Heart Association and raffle tickets produced the lucky winners of all of the beautiful gift baskets on the tables in the hallway. People from other retirement communities joined us to make for a full dining room. To tell you the truth, things were a little complicated to understand for people in their eighties and nineties, especially those who had never done a murder mystery before and had no clue about what questions to ask whom. But it was a lively, fun event and it reminded me of the time when I was a little girl that my mother danced the Charleston for us and showed us a picture of herself in a fringed dress.
Obedience Training with Distractions
Lani can hardly be managed when we get to the obedience class. Five other dogs are sitting next to their mother in the large circle, but Lani had to be separated by a whole screen across the room and got private training from the assistant in “come when called”. Well, she got so many treats back and forth that she had irregular soft stool for two days and did not eat regular food. She is back on schedule now, but I wonder if she will ever be a well trained dog!
Shoulder Woes
The cortisone injection in my shoulder two weeks ago is not helping yet and I sure hope that I will not need another shoulder surgery. If I do, I will definitely go back to the surgeon who did my right shoulder, but with all the festivities coming up, I dread the thought. So, thinking positively, I will be well again and a free of pain in a few weeks. After all, it is just a bursa. And so, on we go!
It’s a Wonderful Life!
Until next time,