Exit of the therapy program
After three treatments from the lead therapist, I cancelled further treatments. He showed me two stretches, and twice “massaged” my upper leg (yes, right next to my groin), but that was not a massage as I know it. He was just pinching. So I decided that the stretches I can do myself several times a day, sit with a heat pad and take Tylenol is another thing that may help, so why let Medicare pay for something I really do not need? I will add the stretches to my daily exercise program and I will go back to my masseuse soon! Two weeks after the second vaccination we will be immune. So I scheduled several appointments already for February and March. Mike’s favorite barber John has not worked there since the pandemic started they said, and he relocated to another location. So Mike will have to try someone new. The barbershop is great, so we hope the lady he chose for his next appointment will do a good job.
Moesson International
Moesson, hét Indisch maandblad, has gone International! The first edition came out this month, in the English language, to reach more people around the world who have ties to the Indies and do not speak Dutch anymore. I signed up for a subscription – four issues a year – and hope to get the first edition soon. Looking ahead, I hope they will publish a story about my books in the second edition. It may also be a good source to find an Indonesian restaurant within driving distance. Since I have not cooked anything Indonesian lately, except for lemper, we both would love to eat Indonesian food again. Thai food comes closest, yet it is not the same. So we’re looking forward to Moesson International!
It is a busy week again with another Covid test and taking the dog to the groomer, and I hope to start a new book while I am sitting down with a hot pad on my hip, so this is a short post.
It’s a Wonderful Life!
Until next time,