A New Life! Retirement at its Best 2022-128

The flowers of Summer are making room for the flowers of Fall


It happened in a matter of two weeks, after three severe storms: temperatures of close to one hundred  degrees dropped to the high eighties during the day, the mid sixties in the night. It was a relief. It surely has been a very hot summer. Walking is still only comfortable early in the morning and after dinner, when the sun is down, but that works for me.


Our daughters suggested to get a three ring binder and collect all important information about doctors, medications, caregivers, passwords and so on. Great idea. It took a while to get started, but it is finished now, and I have a wonderful, practical guide at my fingertips.

Wardrobe change

Since the time is coming up to change my summer wardrobe for the winter clothes, that are stored in bags on the top shelf in my walk in closet, I decided to start early. This time I am rigorously putting aside items that I have not worn for a year, items that are outdated, items that I have had as long as twenty years and that are still good. I took a ten pound bag to Dorcas Ministries. I know that they have a great thrift store. But when I saw that they just dumped my clothes out of the bag in a large container, I was aghast. I had washed and ironed all the donated items before I took them! And so the next two bags will go to people I know: our cleaning lady who has a large family, and others. It feels wonderful to be almost done with that project. The only thing left to do is to put them in the dryer, a few at a time, with wet clothes for ten minutes or so, which will get all the wrinkles and folds out without ironing.

Original CMO

I finished a one month diet with CMO and am on the last of the two-week aftermath. I did this in 1998 and was completely pain free for twenty years. The company had closed when I checked it, but last July I found it again. I have only one painful finger right now, but am hoping it will keep me arthritis free for the next twenty years!

Well, this must be it for today. Appointments and more took all my free time. Next week more. As you can see from the pictures, I did walk on the trails in Wimbledon with Lani every day – about three miles. And the most wonderful mushrooms are popping up everywhere you look. Nature is beautiful in every season.



“To be happy you must let go of what’s gone. Be grateful for what remains. Look forward to what is coming.” Unknown

Be happy and take care of your loved ones

Until next time













A New Life! Retirement at its Best 2022-127


August 21 was a very special day! Fifty years ago, Mike and I immigrated from the Netherlands to California with two daughters, 9 and 6 years old, a baby boy of 10 weeks in a bassinet and our 7 year old Chow Roy.  All of us nicely dressed, as you were in those days when you went on a flight somewhere, sitting in the bulkhead seats, the baby in his bassinet on the floor in front of us, the dog somewhere down below us, drugged for a less anxious time. This was our big step into the future for the whole family, and we never regretted it. Our 9 year old daughter remembered the lights of Los Angeles, as we descended towards the airport after a long flight.

 We celebrated Mike’s 85th birthday on Sunday as well, and will repeat that with the whole family with a brunch at the Club in the Private dining room on Sunday, the 28th.

The last time I posted was on June 15, announcing my sabbatical. I had a wonderful, busy summer, stayed mostly inside because of the outside temperatures or the high nineties day after day. Five kids and grands from California and Canada came for ten days and stayed in a house we had rented for them. Fun and joyous times together.

Right after they left, with the help of Dennis and Stephanie, I made a five minute video of my presentation about the Japanese concentration camps, to be included in the 6th annual commemoration of the WWII Comfort Women in Dallas, Texas.


I wrote several more paragraphs, and scheduled the publication but somehow could not save them. And when I left the page everything was deleted.

So next time, I will write more and hopefully the site will do what I intend it to do.

Be happy, take care of yourself and your loved ones.

Until next time,
