A New Life! Retirement at its Best 32


The healthy days after I recovered from the Flu did not last long. I think we passed  bacteria and/or viruses back and forth between the two of us. And since Friday, when I woke up with a sore throat and a cough, I feel sicker than I have in a long time. So I’m moving from the sofa to my bed during the days, and on days that the doctor has been (Doctors Making Housecalls) I take a trip to the pharmacy to pick up the prescriptions. A good thing is that we can order things for breakfast and for dinner at the Club. We call in our order, I drive over with Mike, and he goes in to pick up the food – at this time he is in better shape than I. We ordered chocolate ice cream for dessert today to celebrate the 58th anniversary of the day we got engaged! You’ve got to celebrate every occasion when you still have a chance!

It’s a wonderful Life!

Until next time,


A New Life! Retirement at its Best 31


Ah, to be healthy again! It takes a few weeks of being sick to be aware and thankful of good health! Mike must have caught a bug on the plane home from Miami on Tuesday, I got it four days later. It took two visits to Urgent Care in the weekend and trips to the pharmacy and more doctors visits in our home, plus lots of medication to get at least me healthy again. Pretty fast, too, only a week with Tamiflu, I can’t complain. But Mike’s cough is still lingering.

Back at the Club, I noticed several people missing. The flu is going around, to be sure, and people stay in their apartments because of that, one friend was in the hospital for back surgery but is expected back soon, and some friends have moved to Assisted Living. I walked over there after breakfast this morning when I heard that Winnie’s grandson’s wife in Tennessee had been killed in a car accident. Winnie moved to Assisted Living the day after Valentine’s Day, and her husband now has to go to attend the services in Tennessee. A good opportunity to do something fun for Winnie, who can’t go with him because she is in a wheelchair and on oxygen.

Tomorrow morning I will go over and give her a manicure. I’m thinking back to the days when we lived in Pasadena and I learned to apply acrylic nails. One of our friends, a chemist, had developed an acrylic material that could be used for acrylic nails. The only product on the market at that time was called Lee Nails (does anyone remember it?). Well, our friend the chemist asked if I would like to market his product. Since I never say no, at least not in those days, I started on the basics: learning to apply the product, getting to know the tools and tricks of the trade, offering free acrylic nails to friends, finding salons nearby who would be willing to give the product a try.

Oh dear, lots of things are happening here! I hope to continue tomorrow…

It’s a Wonderful Life!

Until next Time!


A New Life! Retirement at its Best 30

Extra News on February 14, 2018

I love to share with you all a review of my friend Anna Konya.
Check out her website when you have a few minutes…

Review of my Audiobook by Anna Konya (http://annakonyadesigns.com)

Why and when an Audiobook makes more Sense!

“This is just to let you know that I listen to your fabulous story while working on skirts, and I’ve absorbed much more with the audible version. I love hearing the correct pronunciations, the amazing history, everything. There is so much to be done around here that sitting and reading has kind of gone by the wayside. But listening is quite another thing. I’m loving it. Hope you can “read” all your publications. I know it’s quite an undertaking, but I love it, so of course you’ll do it for me, ha!

At the moment I’m on Chapter 23. Wow, what an adventure. And I must say that your life has certainly encompassed many lives. So many of us get stuck in the arms of habit. Listening to your story is a mind opener for me.  Thank you so much, Ronny!”

Anna Konya touches on the fact that for readers who have no knowledge of life in the Indies and all the “foreign” words that are a large part of my book, it is more enjoyable to listen to the story than to read it, precisely because of the better understanding they get of the whole story with the correct pronunciation.

I wrote my books in the first place for the second and third generations of those of us whose parents were incarcerated but could not talk about the horrors of those years. Through the insightful words of Anna Konya I now realize that the Audiobook makes my story more enjoyable for other readers all over the world as well. Thank you Anna Konya!

It’s a Wonderful Life!

Until Next Time!



A New Life! Retirement at its Best 29

Happy Valentine’s Day to all my friends!

Well, it certainly has been quite a while since I have been in touch. We had a lovely cruise and this time we both stayed healthy thank goodness. It was not until two days afterwards that Mike broke out in coughs and sneezes, probably got the virus on the plane home from Miami, and on Saturday I started. Despite our early flu shots we both got the flu and are staying put with lots of medications. The weather is cooperating, dark clouds and periods of misty rain make it cozy to stay inside.

We left Miami on January 23 in the late afternoon/early evening, capturing a view of the Miami skyline:

After two days on the Caribbean Sea we visited first the Island of Aruba, then Bonaire, both still with strong ties to the Netherlands. Aruba and Bonaire, currently self governing island nations, used to be part of the Dutch West Indies and both produce their own supply of water from seawater. They also produce literally mountains of salt for export to Europe, Asia and America.

Bonaire is famous for snorkeling and especially diving, all around the island. I do not dive, because you need training and a license for that, and there is enough to see with just snorkeling along a reef, I always thought, but I was not aware of “snuba diving”. And now that I am, I have put a new item on my bucket list!

Snuba diving is a relatively young form of diving that was invented in 1989 and further patented in 1990. Since its inception, it has become popular in a large range of locations throughout the world, such as the Caribbean and Hawaii. So what exactly is Snuba diving?  In essence, snuba diving is a combination or snorkeling and SCUBA diving. Snuba diving, like snorkeling, doesn’t require carrying an air tank in order to breathe while swimming underwater. Instead, the air tank is connected to a small raft that sits atop the water above you. Snuba divers are connected to the raft via a lengthy hose. This hose allows divers to dive down approximately 15 ft. and stay there for an extended period of time, swimming around freely without the need to come up to the surface for air, which is one of the primary disadvantages of snorkeling. Whoa! Does that not sound fantastic? There was one other island on our cruise that offered the option of a Snuba diving expedition, but when I wanted to sign up for that on the ship, they said it was canceled because of lack of participation. Had I only know sooner!

In the sixteen hundreds slave trade was rampant in these islands. Tiny living quarters for the slaves were constructed out of stone, rising no higher than a man’s waist with a small entrance to crawl into. Some of these tiny dwellings, in which a man sadly can not stand upright, provided sleeping quarters for up to six people. There must also have been white slaves, since the yellow rock in front of one of the slave quarters indicates “white slave”. In my picture you see the window. On the other side, facing the ocean, is a narrow door opening, the top of which came to my waist.

On both Aruba and Bonaire, Organ Pipe cactus grows everywhere. And of course through the ages people have made use of the things at hand: we saw cactus fences in many places. Now those are fences no burglar will climb!

On Grenada I took a catamaran tour to a snorkeling place and “the most beautiful beach in the world”. Well, the snorkeling place was just from the beach to a rock wall, and the most beautiful beach in the world can’t compare to the beaches in Hawai’i, where I had the privilege to live for twelve years.

One thing is certain though, the Caribbean as well as the Hawaiian waters are warm, turquoise and blue, oh, so blue!


It’s a Wonderful Life!

Until next time!
