A New Life! Retirement at its Best 2020-10A

Back in touch!

I am absolutely delighted to have received 7 responses from followers, indicating that they have received my last Blog Post again. Wonderful! Thank you for responding! With the help of my terrific Webmaster we got the subscriber connections up and running again.

By the way, if you have not received my posts for a while, my Webmaster strongly urges you to look in the right margin of my website. At the bottom you will find my Archives and there you will find, by date, all the previous blog posts, which you can open and read. That means you can go all the way back to the one that sounds familiar to be up to date. On July 26, after we had moved to North Carolina, I started the series A New Life! Retirement at its Best. Keep on reading if you like. You could fill a book with all the stories. They go back to April 2013; that is seven years!

Happy reading!

It’s a Wonderful Life!

Until next time!



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