A New Life! Retirement at its Best 74

Pilates: It ain’t what it used to be!

The Pilates Studios now show an assortment of machines and contraptions called Barrels, Cadillacs, Reformers, Tower Systems, and more. I could not find any Pilates classes here in Cary where you simply work out on a Pilates mat, with just your body. I loved Pilates. First, when we lived in Onomea, on the Big Island, I watched a girl do yoga on the beach. It was so gracious and beautiful that I immediately went to look for and found Yoga classes and I enjoyed them for nine years or so. Then, in Hassayampa, Prescott, where we lived, the Club offered Yoga classes and Pilates classes as well. I did both for a while and decided I liked 75% of Pilates and 25% of Yoga. Two weeks ago they offered a class in chair yoga here. Sadly, I could not make it, because I had to be in Raleigh. Hopefully they will be continued soon. If you look at it, Pilates classes are not for this facility. The people are too old. I don’t know how few of them can get up from the floor if they fall, let alone sit down and lie down to do exercises on a mat.

Memorial Service for Onno

There was no news at the front desk for quite a while about a memorial service for Onno. But I knew that there was going to be one that Sunday coming up at his church, so I texted his daughter and asked if I could put together a flyer to post in Independent Living and in Assisted Living and have it circulated. She gladly accepted and the announcement was posted with a picture of Onno, playing his accordion. The service was held in his beautiful church on Sunday, and Caroline had found an accordion player to play Amazing Grace. Onno contributed a lot of joy during the two years that he and Jane lived at Waltonwood. He and his group were invited to play at Carnegie Hall twice in his earlier years. He knew many songs by heart and often played for us, encouraging us to sing along.

Then Waltonwood announced there would be a Celebration of Life for Onno and a reception to follow on Tuesday. But they neglected to tell his daughter so she could not take off work at the last minute. That was sad. Nevertheless, the room was filled to capacity, John took pictures which I later texted to Caroline, and several people spoke about their fond memories of Onno. On the table in the front of the room was a handsome picture of Onno. The refreshments table afterwards was visited by all.

A Chocolate Social

On Wednesday afternoon last week the Club organized a Chocolate Social in the Café. Being from the Netherlands and the Indies before that, I was not familiar with an event called Social. I thought that the pastry chef would whip up some special chocolate creations for us to observe and taste. But no, when I got to the Café, the whole counter was filled with all kinds of chocolate treats, from M&Ms to cookies to cup cakes to brownies, and chocolate milk to drink. The popcorn machine cranked out piles of popcorn, which the Activities Director put in little bags for us. I will have to walk many miles to take off all the calories! It was nice to talk to some of the people there, and the chocolates were delicious, a foretaste of Valentine’s Day!

Valentine’s Day: Renewing of the Vows  

The Renewing of the Vows Ceremony took place in the dining room, Richard officiating. The nicely set tables featured a round vase with a red rose and baby’s breath as a centerpiece. Heart shaped balloons were everywhere. Management officials from various locations were present and took pictures of the handsomely dressed men and pretty ladies, and WRAL photographers filmed and interviewed several couples for the Television News that night. We were the ones with the fewest years of marriage (and we thought  we were up there with our 58 years!) The winning couple will reach 70 years of marriage next May. By looking at these numbers you can figure out that most everyone here is in their late eighties and nineties! Pictures of all the participating couples rotated on a large screen in the front of the room. At the reception after the ceremony they served a smorgasbord of finger foods, including cucumber sandwiches, which nobody had ever heard of before. Except I, of course; I had them often when I was an Au Pair with a family in England.

A festive dinner concluded the day with a choice of Duck or Striped Bass as the entree, Ganache pie for dessert and three kinds of wine served from the bottle, not from a box like they do at Happy Hour on Fridays. The bottle stayed on the table and we could take home what we had not finished. A generous gesture, which looked more generous than it actually was, because the four of us almost finished the bottle during dinner. But we appreciated the gesture.

A Milestone!

Today, our million dollar Doodle baby is six months old. She weighs 15 pounds and is a lot of fun to watch, to play with, and to cuddle. She is starting to walk better on the leash. We got a new harness and I’m looking forward to trying it on and going on a long walk with her. The first harness looked like it could snap any time, come out of the stitches that is, so I returned it to the store and ordered one on Amazon.

It’s that time of year again! We purchased Turbo Tax last week and have started preparing our return. We have prepared our taxes together for many years. It involves about ten days of team work for a few hours a day with many frowns, sighs, back tracking, surprises and smiles, when we had filed successfully for another year. This year, we were in for a big surprise. The tax laws have changed, in our favor! We are now waiting for the year end statements to come in the mail. By next week we’ll be able to file!
It’s a Wonderful Life!
Until next time,

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