Indonesia has named its new capital Nusantara, as lawmakers approve the shift from Jakarta to Kalimantan — a jungle-covered area on the east of Borneo island.
The new name translates to “archipelago” in the Indonesian language.
Concerns over the sustainability of the congested and rapidly sinking political center of Jakarta
prompted the need for a new capital, and the nation’s House of Representatives officially passed a bill on Tuesday regarding the relocation.
“The relocation of the capital city to Kalimantan is based on several considerations, regional advantages, and welfare. With the vision of the birth of a new economic center of gravity in the middle of the archipelago,” said Suharso Monoarfa, the country’s Minister of National Development Planning, according to Indonesia Parliament TV.
President Joko Widodo first announced the capital would be relocated in 2019, citing concerns over Jakarta’s environmental and economic sustainability. “Joko” in short, is a great President and young enough to accomplish a lot of his plans.
Jakarta sits on swampy ground near the sea — making it especially prone to flooding — and is one of the fastest-sinking cities on Earth, according to the World Economic Forum. The former capital has been dropping into the Java Sea at an alarming rate due to over-extraction of groundwater.
If I see the images of poverty and dirt in the streets, I remember the great contrast to the walled-in neighborhoods with homes of the rich, mostly Chinese people, right next door. Not only in Jakarta, but in every big city we came through on our journey in 1993. What a shame that this beautiful country, the land of my birth, is so poverty-stricken that any help seems an impossible task. I am happy that we took that pilgrimage in 1993 and still experienced some of the beauty of the country and the friendliness of the people.
As was predicted, we had one full day and night with freezing rain, low temperatures and an ice storm. We stayed home, and it was wonderful. With enough food in the house, there was no need to go out, with the exception of Lani of course. But precisely for occasions like this we built the fenced area behind the house, adjacent to the patio. Because she is not used to it, I sprayed part of the area with a dog-attracting spray. Well, it did not attract Lani. She did not do anything until 4:00 p.m., and nothing since, not even early the next morning. Thank goodness the sidewalks were dry and I could take her for a walk. And two more later on.
Final cleanup of Christmas things

It’s done! Our son came by to take the lights of the fence and yesterday I found boxes for the lights, the wreath and the Christmas wreath at the front door.
Having a wreath on your front door is not really a Dutch custom. But I have noticed them in the United States in many places. Just like the Welcome Garden flags. I often wondered if you would knock on people’s door, would you be really welcome?
But anyway, we first had a large wreath on the fence for Christmas, two years ago, the one I just put away. Then I found a wonderful shop on Etsy, that had a Gnome-themed wreath for Christmas. That one put away just now, I went shopping again and I found a Valentine’s Day wreath! If you are into wreaths, or want to start getting into wreaths, check out this website:
If you want to brighten your day each time you enter your front door, find a wreath you love. They have wreaths and signs for all seasons!
May your days be bright and beautiful!
Until next time,